IPO for merchants, creators and builders

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IPO for merchants, creators and builders

Earn, get, store, send, sell equity of projects you related with
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Do you want to grow your business?

Raise money from your customers

- worldwide
- starting from $1
- no paperwork
- one click
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Raise money from your customers

- worldwide
- starting from $1
- no paperwork
- one click
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How to do that in 3 simple steps

1. Link your online store to your Equity Wallet account to tokenize its revenue

In order to provide potential investors credible information about revenue performance of your store
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1. Link your online store to your Equity Wallet account to tokenize its revenue

In order to provide potential investors credible information about revenue performance of your store
After tokenizing every purchase transaction is automatically recorded on blockchain
Real Time
Every potential investor can see revenue performance of your store in real time, not from reports
Every potential investor can check any purchase transaction on blockchain
Inability to manipulate
Blockchain technology makes it impossible to delete, change or fake any revenue performance data
Watch why blockchain is an immutable data base

2. Create Investment Proposal on Equity Wallet

Describe the deal. How much money you raise and what % of revenue share you offer
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2. Create Investment Proposal on Equity Wallet

Describe the deal. How much money you raise and what % of revenue share you offer

3. Send Investment Proposal to your customers

Offer your customers to earn together with you from each and every sale
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3. Send Investment Proposal to your customers

Offer your customers to earn together with you from each and every sale
Why customers will invest in your store?
Link your on-line store to Equity Wallet Account to tokenize its revenue
Every purchase transaction is automatically recorded on blockchain
Total Transparency
All purchase transactions of merchant's store are visible to those customers who received an Investment Proposal
Inevitability of Payouts
Automatic revenue distribution according to customer's equity is ensured by Smart Contracts — self-executing programs on blockchain.
Inability to manipulate
Blockchain technology makes it impossible to delete, change or fake any business data including customer's % of equity.
Easy to Transfer
Customers can sell or send their equity in one tap.
Watch why blockchain is an immutable data base
Why customers will invest in your store?
Let your customers invest as much as they can
Every customer can enter certain amount of money they want to invest

Let your customers invest as much as they can

Buy % of revenue share and get your portion from every purchase. Automatically and inevitably.
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Earn together with your favorite merchants

Buy % of revenue share and get your portion from every purchase. Automatically and inevitably.

Earn together with your favorite merchants

Buy % of revenue share and get your portion from every purchase. Automatically and inevitably.
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Earn together with your favorite merchants

Buy % of revenue share and get your portion from every purchase. Automatically and inevitably.

Together with your customers you will earn more

You get money to grow your business, your investors get share of revenue from every purchase
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Together with your customers you will earn more

You get money to grow your business, your investors get share of revenue from every purchase
One more thing...

Everyone can transfer their equity as easy as sending a message

Just enter % of equity and receiver’s username to send it or price to sell it.
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One more thing...

Everyone can transfer their equity as easy as sending a message

Just enter % of equity and receiver’s username to send it or price to sell it.

Join Equity Wallet to raise money from your customers to grow your business

Join Equity Wallet to raise money from your customers to grow your business

If you want to know more about Equity Wallet give us your email and we will contact with you.

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